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Diner Listing Information
Diner Advertising
Diner offers two main types of advertising. Primarily there is the establishment advertising that allows hospitality industry patrons to display detailed information about their establishments. This is the main objective of Diner.co.nz as this information is what our users are coming to search through. It is very easy to provide this information through our registration page.

Diner.co.nz has the foundation, to become New Zealand’s most visited website for eating establishments. This brings many factors in to play in the current advertising industry.

  • is an affordable medium for providing detailed information about your establishment
  • is an opportunity to attract customers and increase profitability
  • provides region-specific advertising, allowing targeted coverage
  • makes every aspect of an establishment available for searching
  • costs a lot less, is more comprehensive and more focused than any other form of advertising for the New Zealand hospitality industry
  • is a business tool that highlights your establishment, thereby providing competitive advantage
  • offers free promotions, like "Featured Listing" on Diner homepage

What Do You Get?
When you sign your establishment up with Diner.co.nz you will get the following features. Notice there is one standard package and one verified listing. A verified listing is just an indication that the information we have is correct and up to date. The standard listing is designed for most places. If you need clarification on any of the features here, please contact us.

standard package
Search Priority
Search order preference*
Contact Info
Basic street address, telephone number, website, email, etc.
Basic Info
Cuisine Type, Establishment Type, Number of Seats etc.
Free Assisted Updates
Our staff will update your site information for you.**
Customer Feedback
Standardised online feedback from customers
Payment Options
Ways to pay at your establishment
Special Amenities
Barbeque area, pool tables, accomodation, etc.
Current Special
E.G. Soup of the day, happy hour, free glass of wine, 10% off coupon, etc.
Lengthy advertising blurb about restaurant location and type. Also a short description for search page.
Opening Hours
Complete opening hour description including special dates
Up to 10 good quality photos of food, surroundings etc.
Unlimited menu descriptions.
http://yourplace.diner.co.nz directly to your listing.
Subdomain Email
Spam Protection
Spam protection on all emails
Cost (Monthly)
$60 + GST
That's under $1.98 + GST Per Day!
Cost (Monthly)
Domain Name
$15 + GST
Domain Email
incl w/ Domain

We also provide custom packages. Please enquire if packages do not meet your requirements.
  *   Other factors apply, eg loyalty, signup date, level of interest
  **  Subject to sensible usage at our discretion
  *** Subject to name availability.

Search Priority
This defines where in the search order listings show up. The prized spot in all search engines or directories is the first search result. Diner gives priority to clients who have registered with us.

Contact Info
This information can be obtained by looking up the establishment in the whitepages. This is very simple contact information, including address and telephone number.

Basic Info
We consider basic information to be any of the following pieces.
Contact Info: Postal address, physical address, phone, fax, email, website, etc
Establishment Type: Restaurant, Takeaway, etc
Cuisine: Chinese, Asian, etc
Dress Requirement: Black Tie, etc
Liquor License Type: Fully Licensed, BYOW, etc
Special Liquor License Conditions: Corkage Fee Applies etc
Maximum Party Size: small number
Number of Seats: big number
Average Meal Price Range: $15 - $30 etc
Date the information was validated:

Free Assisted Updates
A freely assisted update, would be to have somebody from diner.co.nz manually update any of the information about an establishment. This can be as small as a phone number, to a full menu insertion.

Customer Feedback
Feedback is a business tool that can really help establishments improve their service, understand what people are looking for or fix any shortcomings their establishment may have. It also allows people who visit an establishment to express their gratitude with their experience while out.

Payment Options
Payment options show users of diner.co.nz the methods of payment at your establishment. This will help avoid confusion and disappointment when it becomes time to pay.

Special Amenities
Special Amenities show all those little things about your establishment that are a bit special. E.g. barbeque area, pool tables, accommodation etc. We want you to be able to highlight your establishment and display its character online at diner.co.nz.

Current Special
Current Special can be any special you are currently running. It doesn’t have to be a special, it can be soup of the day. Its just a little advertising tool enabling you to highlight your establishment more.

A description is an advertising blurb about your place. You have both a short description to highlight your search listing, and a longer description to really describe your place, and entice visitors to pick you.

Opening Hours
Complete opening hour description including special dates. This is currently very flexible and very helpful for visitors to your place.

A picture is worth a thousand words, so diner allows you good-sized pictures with the standard listing. You can take photos of your interior, exterior, surroundings even provide a street map. We ask for your logo. We limit the dimensions of the pictures to allow the site to display perfectly on most computers.


133 x 100 maximum


First 2
320 x 240
Max size

Next 8
Max size

Addon images
Max size

Every place has a menu. Whether it’s a nightclub or a restaurant. A menu is a very important part of deciding where to eat. All menu items are searchable through the diner.co.nz search engine.

We provide direct access to your listing through a direct, easy to remember web address.

Subdomain Email(s)
Subdomain email is something we offer all establishments. We will provide upto 5 email addresses at yourplace.diner.co.nz to all establishments. This can be accessed using all standard email clients, or through a simple webmail interface.

Spam Protection
Any email address you have with diner.co.nz will be protected by our industry standard Spam filter. This stops unsolicited email from clogging up your inbox.


Domain Name
If you would like your own domain name, we can organize that too.

Domain Email
We can also organize any email you need at that address.

As a secondary offering Diner can display banner advertising on both the diner.co.nz homepage and intermittently between search results, targeting users who search for specific things. This advertising is not limited to the hospitality industry however existing clients will be given preference here. Banner advertising is commonly used throughout the web.

We are available to answer any questions or queries regarding establishment listings at support@diner.co.nz or contact us.

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